Plane flying through the sky during sunset

Research at the College of Aeronautics

The College of Aeronautics' programs incorporate a multi-disciplinary approach to research that spans across various programs including engineering, human factors, safety, psychology, computer science and biology. Courses are designed to help students become more comfortable and familiar with conducting research, a vital part of any degree program.

The College of Aeronautics manages an impressive inventory of aircraft and simulators that are available for research, as well as a large pool of qualified instructor and student pilots holding various ratings and certificates that are accessible participants. Additionally, students have access to various labs and other facilities such as the Advancing Technology and Learning in Aviation Systems (ATLAS) lab, Airport Management and Development lab, Air Traffic Control lab, Basic Aviation Training Device (BATD) Lab, Human Factors: Aeronautics, Safety, Sociability, Interfaces, Sustainability, & Training (HF ASSIST) Lab, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) lab, and the Emil Buehler Center For Aviation Training and Research.

Our Alumni Association and faculty provide our students with direct connections to organizations such as NASA, FAA, Air Force Research Lab, L3Harris Corp, Northrop Grumman, Avidyne, Garmin and many of the commercial pilot associations.

Undergraduate & Graduate  Research

The College of Aeronautics promotes student understanding of and participation in research. For example, in Aviation Research (AVT4002), a senior undergraduate course, students plan, conduct, and present group research projects on a variety of aviation-related topics from aviation management and human factors to safety and aviation environmental science. Topics are instructor-approved and vary by semester.  A range of other courses such as Human Performance (AHF 4301, AHF 5201) also offer students opportunities to conduct research as part of the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) and publish this research.

A sampling of some prior research:

  • Decision making and the Flight Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT)
  • Willingness to fly with two pilots, a single pilot, and a single pilot with Artificial Intelligence
  • FlyKey – An Airport Environmental Interaction Airport App
  • Effect of attrition of ramp agents on ground operations incidents
  • The relationship between airport size and ground operations incidents
  • Academic workload, perceived stress, and Willingness to pilot
  • Passenger Safety
  • Speech recognition system Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs)
  • Unruly passenger reports before and during the mask mandate
  • Rate of wildlife strike reports by damage category

College of Aeronautics undergraduates, recent graduates, and faculty members frequently present research at conferences and publish.

Several students have won awards at the University Aviation Association student poster competition:

King, G., Horton, A., Buford, L., Mehta, R., & B.E. Wheeler. 2020. The Impact of Airport Classification on Wildlife Strikes. University Aviation Association, Student poster competition, 1st Place, Undergraduate category.

Daniel, N., L. Tibbetts, & B.E. Wheeler. 2019. Cost Savings of LED Lighted Runways. University Aviation Association, Student poster competition, 1st place Undergraduate category.

Hudgins, K.W., Lopez, J.R., Silver, I.M., & B.E. Wheeler. 2019. Charged Warriors: An Analysis of Aircraft Battery Actions at FITA. University Aviation Association, Student poster competition, 3rd place Undergraduate category.

Students have also won awards at the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Competition:

Agasam, N., Erlwein, H., Ekele, A., Rachur, T, & Carstens, D. (2022). Impelementing Alternative Renewable Energy Soures for Ground-based Airport Operations. Airport Coopreative Research Program,  University Design Competition, 1st place Airport Environmental Interactions.

Dabrowski, A., Ficke, C, Thomas, J., Dominique, R., & Carstens, D. (2022). Ethereal.  Airport Coopreative Research Program,  University Design Competition, Honorable Mention Airport Management and Planning.

Nair, A., Abbas, S.A., Wojdecka, A., & Carstens, D.S. (2021). FlyKey. Airport Cooperative Research Program,  University Design Competition, 1st place Airport Environmental Interactions.

Carmody, K., Namukasa, M., Nevins, M. & Carstens, D.S. (2021). UAS Solutions to Deicing/Anti-icing Waste Management. Airport Cooperative Research Program,  University Design Competition, Honorable Mention Airport Environmental Interactions.

Bouran, A., Chauhan, B., Egoroff, E. & Carstens, D.S. (2018). Airport Cooperative Research Program,  University Design Competition, 1st place Runway Safety/Runway Incursions/Runway Excursions Challenge.

Current and Recent Projects

Here are some of the aviation topics that College of Aeronautics faculty and students are currently researching:

  • Aviation Consumer Perceptions
    • Willingness to Fly with Reduced Crew and Unmanned Aircraft
    • Aviation Consumer Preferences
  • Aviation Environmental Science/Sustainability
    • Electric aircraft flight trajectories
    • Battery performance for electric aircraft
    • Airport noise and aviation emissions at airports
    • Airport noise modeling
  • Aviation Management and Airport Development
    • Cross Cultural Training Knowledge Management Content Development
    • Pilots' job satisfaction in relation to leadership style of airline executives
  • Human Factors
    • Advanced/Urban Air Mobility Human Factors
    • Adaptive Training and Learner Engagement
    • Augmented Weather Interface Technology
    • Human Autonomy Teaming (HAT)
    • Human Factors Considerations for Cybersecurity
    • Pilot Cognition and Decision Making with Uncertainty
    • Speech Recognition Interface for Submitting Pilot Reports (PIREPs)
  • Human Space Flight
    • Crew Selection for Long Duration Space Flight
    • Plant Growth for Long Duration Spaceflight
  • Safety
    • Safety culture and safety management systems
    • Weather Information Representativeness and Uncertainty Resolution for Low Altitude Operations
    • Aviation Risk Assessment and Accident Analysis
    • Helicopter Operations Weather Information Technology
    • Runway incursions

Visit our Research Stories page to read more about the wide variety of research at the College of Aeronautics.

Recent Publications

Students of the College of Aeronautics have the unique opportunity to work alongside professors to perform real-world research starting at the undergraduate level and continuing throughout their academic careers. Research at the College of Aeronautics is not just a professor’s "pet project." Students get their work published here — giving them valuable experience and a leg up on the competition when starting their careers.

*denotes student author

Advanced/Urban Air Mobility

*Carmody. K., *Bhoomin, C., *Namukasa, M., *Sharma, V., Carroll, M., *Berkel, G., & *Ordono, Y. (2023). Training Implications for Future Pilots in Advanced Air Mobility. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Dec 2023, Orlando, FL.

*Chaparro Osman, M., *Namukasa, M., *Carmody, K., *Chauhan, B., *Berkel, G., & Carroll, M. (2022). Perspectives for the Future: Considerations for UAM Aircraft. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL.

*Chauhan, B. B., *Carmody, K., *Namukasa, M., *Sharma, V., *Berkel, G., *Adorno, Y., *Smith, H., & Carroll, M. (2023, June). Guidelines for Information Display Characteristics for eVTOL Pilot Interfaces. 22nd The International Symposium on Aviation Psychology [Symposium]. Rochester, New York.

*Chauhan, B., & Carroll, M. (2021).  Human factors considerations for urban air mobility.  In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium of Aviation Psychology. (pp. 7-12). 

*Chauhan, B. B., *Osman, M. C., *Carmody, K., & Carroll, M. (2022, October 24–26). Advanced Air Mobility: Human Factors Considerations for Current eVTOL Pilot Interfaces [Conference session]. National Training for Aircraft Symposium. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL, United States.

*Namukasa, M., Carroll, M., *Bhoomin, C., *Sharma, V., *Carmody, K., & Wilt, D. (2023) Key constructs, measures, and considerations for human factors researchers in the Advanced Air Mobility Domain. Proceedings of the 67th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, 2023, October. Washington, DC.

Augmented and Virtual Reality

*Carmody, K. & Carroll, M. (2022). Don’t judge a book by its coVR: Learning and training in virtual reality: The effects of two levels of immersion. Proceedings of the Interservice/ Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, Florida.

*Carmody, K., Rebensky, S., Ficke, C., & Carroll, M. (2023). USability Analysis of Augmented Reality Glassess for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Missions [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on aviation Psychology. Rochester, New York.

Ebnali, M., Bailey, S., Ciccone, B., Wilson, R., *Rebensky, S., Carroll, M., Bennett, W., Hu, X., Reiner, A., Vasquez, H., Wooldridge, A., Lee, L., Verma, P., Jeong, H., Gisick, L., French., Keebler, J. (2020). Virtual reality, augmented reality, and virtual environments: Demonstrations of current technologies and future directions. HFES 2020.

*Lindsey S., Carroll M., Carstens D. (2019) Evaluation of the Impact of Mobile VR Interaction Methods on Performance, Preference, and Enjoyment. In: Stephanidis C. (eds) HCI International 2019 - Posters. HCII 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1033. Springer, Cham.  DOI:

Spain, R., Bailey, S., Goldberg, B., Sall, R., *Carmody, K., *Fickle, C., Bayro, A., Joeong, H., Kim, Jihoon., Yeo, W.H., Figueroa, R., Pugh, Z., Mayhorn, C., Gluck, A. (2022). Me and My VE 2022: Human factors applications using virtual reality, mixed reality, and virtual environments. Human Factors and Ergonomic Society Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

Aviation Consumer Perceptions

*D'Albert, J., *Alqarni, K., Wheeler, B.E., & *Magness, A. (Summer 2022). Passengers’ Willingness to Fly with Commercial Airline COVID-19 Safety Measures. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 15(1), 23-32.

Mehta, R., *Rao, N.A., *Labonte, E., Rice, S., Carstens, D. and *Gaenicke, S. (2019) Consumers from India and the USA have differing views of flight attendants. International Journal of Aviation Management, 4(3), 147–162.  

Mehta, R., & Rice, S. (2020). How Does the News Affect Willingness to Fly? Presentation at the 73rd Annual UAA Education Conference, Virtual.

Mehta, R., Rice, S., Deaton, J., & Winter, S. R. (2019). Creating a Prediction Model of Passenger Preference between Legacy and Low-Cost Airlines. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 3, 100075.

Rice, S., Mehta, R., Winter, S. R., *Anania, E., *Milner, M. N., & *Ragbir, N. (2019, March). What type of person is willing to undergo a teeth cleaning with a dental robot? Poster accepted to the 2019 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, Chicago, IL.

Rice, S., Winter, S. R., Mehta, R., Keebler, J. R., *Baugh, B. S., *Anania, E. C., & *Milner, M. N. (2019). Does length of ride, gender or nationality affect willingness to ride in a driverless ambulance. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, 7, 39-55.

Rice, S., Winter, S. R., Mehta, R., & *Ragbir, N. K. (2019). What factors predict the type of person who is willing to fly in an autonomous commercial airplane? Journal of Air Transport Management, 75, 131-138.

Wheeler, B.E., Duboc, N., & St. Amand, Z. (2020). Drone Delay: Consumer Willingness to Fly after Awareness of Recent UAS Event. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 13(1), 122-128.

Aviation Education and Training

*Blackford, M., *Ramp, K., *Jackobsen, S., & Carstens, D.S. (2022). Assessing the Usability of a Desktop Simulator for Training Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Procedures, Proceedings of the International Conference: Industry, Engineering & Management Systems 2020, Clearwater Beach, FL., 22-28.

Carroll, M., *Chaparro, M., Rebensky, S., *Carmody, K., Mehta, R., & *Pittorie, W., (2021). Adapting to the times: Examining adaptive instructional strategies in preferred and non-preferred class types. Human Computer Interaction International 2021. Carroll M., & Dahlstrom, N. (2021) Human computer interaction on the modern flight deck, International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 37:7, 585-587, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2021.1890495

Carroll M., *Lindsey S., *Chaparro M. (2019) Integrating Engagement Inducing Interventions into Traditional, Virtual and Embedded Learning Environments. In: Sottilare R., Schwarz J. (eds) Adaptive Instructional Systems. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11597. Springer, Cham.   DOI:

Carroll, M., *Lindsey, S., *Chaparro, M., & Winslow, B. (2019).  An applied model of learner engagement and strategies for increasing learner engagement in the modern educational environment.  Interactive Learning Environments, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2019.1636083.

Carroll, M., Ruble, M., Dranias, M., *Rebensky, S., *Chaparro, M., Chiang, J. and Winslow, B. (2020). Automatic detection of learner engagement using machine learning and wearable sensors. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 10, 165-178.

Carroll, M., *Sanchez, P., Wilt, D., & *Rebensky, S. (2020). Utilizing Simulation to Train Decision Making with Conflicting Information. In: Cassenti D., Scataglini S., Rajulu S., Wright J. (eds) Advances in Simulation and Digital Human Modeling. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1206. Springer, Cham.

*Chaparro, M., *Sharma, V., *Ficke, C., Carroll, M., Mehta, R., Wheeler, B., & *Dayiaglo, B. (2021).  Predicting pilot-in-training success in a private south eastern U.S. university.  [Conference Session].  21st International Symposium of Aviation Psychology.

Farelo, D.G., Bracaglia, L., *Dailey, P., Tamrakar, S., Palladino, A., Carroll, M.& Valenti, A. (2022, April 3-7). An Adaptive Learning Model for Predicting and Analyzing Student Performance on Flight Training Tasks [Paper presentation]. SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2022, Orlando, Florida.

*Madonna, C., *Moore, J., *Gerald, J., Wheeler, B.E., & Mehta, R. (2020, March). A Look at Risk Attitude: Flight Students Compared to Non-Flight Students. Presentation at the 2020 National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS).

Malmquist, S., Carstens, D.S., Dahlstrom, N. (2023). Almost like the real thing - The hidden limits in flight simulation and training. In J. Ferraro (Ed.), Human Factors in Simulation and Training. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group: New York.

Mehta, R., Rice, S., Winter, S.R., *Milner, M., Mehta, F. (2020, March). What Factors Influence the Imposter Phenomenon amongst Collegiate Flight Students? Presentation at the 2020 National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS).

*Namukasa, M., Carroll, M., Marraffino, M. D., Johnson, C. I., Whitmer, D. E., *Igwe, W., & *Nash, M. (2023). Not all pain leads to gain: The role of learner engagement in adaptive flashcard training. In: Sottilare, R.A., Schwarz, J. (eds) Adaptive Instructional Systems. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14044. Springer, Cham.

*Nakushian, A., *Kapar, A., *Ryan, K., Mehta, R., & Wheeler, B.E. (2020, March). Prevalence of Invulnerability in Collegiate Part 141 Flight Students. Presentation at the 2020 National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS).

Pittorie, W., *Satter, M., & Carroll, M. (2022). Development of upset recovery and basic aerobatic courses for collegiate flight training programs. National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS). Daytona, FL.

*Rebensky, S., *Chaparro, M., & Carroll, M. (2020). Optimizing the learning experience:  Examining interactions between the individual learner and the learning context. In: Nazir S., Ahram T., Karwowski W. (eds) Advances in Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1211. Springer, Cham.

Sharma, V., & Carroll, M. (2022). CFIs safety behaviors at flight training schools: Understanding the effects of personality, self-efficacy, risk perception, and safety climate. National Training for Aviation Symposium. Daytona, FL.

*Sharma, V., Carroll, M., Mehta, R., Gallo, M., & Wildman, J. (2023). Effects of personality traits, affective domain and safety climate on certified flight instructors' safety behaviors. International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Rochester, New York.

Whitmer, D. E., Marraffino, M. D., Johnson, C. I., *Namukasa, M., Carroll, M. B., Igwe, W. M., Yelencscis, G., & Nash. M. (2022, November). Flip it and reverse it: Does adaptive sequencing really work? [Poster]. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.

Aviation Sustainability and Electric Aircraft

*Agasam, N.N. & Carstens, D.S. (2023). Airport Personnel Perceptions of Airport Environmental Programs. International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP).

*Cuhna, D., Wheeler, B., Silver, I., & *Andre, G. (2023). Electric aircraft battery performance: examining full discharge under two conditions. International Journal of Aviation Science and Technology. 4(1), 5-13. DOI: 10.23890/IJAST.vm04is01.0101

*Tunc, O.A. & Carstens, D.S. (2022). The Usage of Smart Glass Technology in Airports to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Aviation Facilities, Proceedings of the International Conference: Industry, Engineering & Management Systems 2020, Clearwater Beach, FL., 22-28.

Aviation Management

*Dinler, N., & Rankin, W. B. (2020). Increasing Airports' On-Time Arrival Performance Through Airport Capacity and Efficiency Indicators. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 7(1).

Aviation Safety

Carstens, D., Howard, S., Barrie, M., *Mahlman, J., *Sudharsan, A., *Chauhan, B., *Bouran, A., *Hunt, L., & *Egoroff, E. (2020). Application of Tripod Incident Analysis in Aviation, Proceedings of the International Conference: Industry, Engineering & Management Systems 2020, Clearwater Beach, FL.

Carstens, D., *Pittorie, W., Carroll, M. & *Sanchez, P. (2020). Review of Aviation Safety Databases to Identify Information Discrepancies Experienced on the Flight Deck: Implications for NextGen, Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors.

*D'Albert, J., *Magness, A., *Alqarni, K., & Wheeler, B.E. (2022, Summer). Passengers’ Willingness to Fly with Commercial Airline COVID-19 Safety Measures. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 15(1), 23-32.

*Ferra, G., *Alghamdi, H., Wheeler, B.E., & *Li, T. (2021). Comparing the Frequency of Reported Wildlife Strikes by Region in the United States. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 14(1): 37-45.

*King, G., *Horton, A., *Buford, L., Mehta, R., & Wheeler, B.E. (2020). The Impact of Airport Classification on Wildlife Strikes. University Aviation Association, Student poster competition, 1st Place, Undergraduate category.

Lawrenson, A., Rodrigues, C. C., Malmquist, S., Greaves, M., Braithwaite, G., & Cusick, S. K. (2023). Commercial Aviation Safety. McGraw Hill Professional.

*Li, T., Carstens, D., & Wheeler, B.E. (2023). The Effectiveness of Improving Flight Passengers’ Safety Behaviors by Modifying Auditory Cues. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors. 13(1).

*Li, T., Wheeler, B. E., & Carstens, D. S. (2020). Examining the Impact of Overhearing In-Flight Cell-Phone Calls on Passenger Safety. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 7(2). Retrieved from

Splitt, M. E., *Hennard, M., & *Bougeard, P. (2021). Survey of General Aviation Pilot Reports (PIREPs) Conformity, Consistency, and Quality. Journal of Operational Meteorology9(6). doi:

Wheeler, B.E., *Bride, O., *Craig, D., & *King, K. (2022). Examining Monthly and Annual Laser Strike Reports from 2010-2021. Proceedings of Industry, Engineering, & Management Systems Conference (2022 #28). Human Factors & Cognitive Engineering Section, Hybrid Conference. p. 29-35.

Wheeler, B.E., *Redden, K., *Bonilla, D., Fox, G., & Silver, I. (2020). OMIR Event Type and Frequency at a Collegiate Flight Program. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 13(1), 104-110.

Wheeler, B.E., *Cambata, C., Silver, I.M., Fox, G. & *Alyamani, G. (2019). Safety Culture at a Collegiate Flight School. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 12(2), 94-98.

Wheeler, B.E., *Golcher Ardic, E., *Wertin, R., Fox, G., & I.M. Silver. (2019). Operational Incident and Mishap Reports by Phase of Flight. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 12(2), 105-111.

Wheeler, B.E., *Gomez-Womack, J., & *White, D. (2019). Examining Ground Operations Incidents by Airport Size. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 12(2), 99-104.

Decision Making on the Flight Deck

Carroll,. M. (2022).  Decision Making in Aviation.  In J.R.Keebler, E.H. Lazzara, K.A. Wilson & E.L. Blickensderfer (Eds.), Human Factors in Aviation and Aerospace (3rd ed., pp. 563-588). Elsevier.

Carroll, M. (2021) Location matters: How integrating electronic flight bag information into the aircraft panel impacts pilot response. [Conference Session].  21st International Symposium of Aviation Psychology.

Carroll, M., Rebensky, S., Wilt, D. F., *Pittorie, W., *Hunt, L., *Chaparro, M., & *Sanchez, P. (2021).  Integrating uncertified information from the electronic flight bag into the aircraft panel: impacts on pilot response.  International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 37: 7, 630-641.

Carroll, M. & *Sanchez, P.  (2021).  An examination of pilot-reported trust and response to information conflicts experienced on the flight deck.  Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 11:2, 79-87.

Carroll, M. & *Sanchez, P.  (2020). Decision making with conflicting information: Influencing factors and best practice guidelines.  Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Science.

Carroll, M., Wilt, D.F., *Sanchez, P., & Carstens, D. (2019).  Examining pilot decision making in information-rich cockpits.  Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium of Aviation Psychology.  May 7-10, Dayton, OH, 73-78.

*Pittorie, W., Carroll, M., & Carstens, D. (2019).  Effects of Verbal vs Graphical Weather Information on a Pilot’s Decision Making during Preflight.  Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium of Aviation Psychology.  May 7-10, Dayton, OH, 349-354.

*Pittorie, W., Carstens, D., & Carroll, M. (2020). Understanding Pilot Decision-Making Based on Weather Source during Preflight. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference: Industry, Engineering & Management Systems 2020, Clearwater Beach, FL.

Pittorie, W., Nakushian, A., Rebensky, S., Satter, M., Chaparro-Osman, M., Hunt, L., and Carroll, M. (2023). Development of a Theoretical Model of Pilot Decision Making with Conflicting Information. The Aeronautical Journal, 127: 1309, 331-345.

Flight Deck and Unmanned Aerial Systems

Carroll M., & Dahlstrom, N. (2021). Human computer interaction on the modern flight deck, International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 37:7, 585-587, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2021.1890495

Caldwell, B. S., & Splitt, M. E. (2021). GA Pilot Information and Weather Technology and the Cockpit: Fixed Wing and Rotorcraft Issues. In AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM (p. 2955).

Kish, B. A., Sullivan, S., Silver, I., Wilde, M. & B. Wheeler. (2021). Using an Autopilot System for Simplified Vehicle Operations in General Aviation, 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference (50100), p. 1-16, doi: 10.1109/AERO50100.2021.9438443.

*Lindsey, S., Ganey, H.C. N., & Carroll, M. (2019). Designing military cockpits to support a broad range of personnel body sizes. Proceedings of The 20th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. May 7-10, Dayton.

Rebensky, S., Carroll, M., Bennett, W., & Hu, X. (2021). Impact of heads-up displays on small unmanned aircraft system operator situation awareness and performance: A simulated study. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.

Human Factors

Carroll, M., & Malmsquist, S. (2021).  Resilient performance in aviation.  In C. Nemeth & E. Hollnagel (Eds.) Advancing Resilient Performance. Springer Nature.

Carroll, M., *Rebensky, S., *Chaparro, M., & Deaton, J.  (2023).  Justification for use of simulation. In D. Vincenzi, M. Mouloua, P. Hancock, J. Pharmer, & J. Ferraro  (Eds.), Human factors in simulation and training. NY:  CRC Press (2nd Ed.).

Carstens, D.S., *Harwin, M.S., & *Li, T. (2021). Increasing General Aviation (GA) Pilot Reports (PIREPs) through Reducing Errors. Journal of Management & Engineering Integration, 14(1), 17-25.

Carstens, D. S., *Harwin, M. S., *Li, T., Pitts, B. J., Futrell, M., & Caldwell, B. (2022). GA Pilot Perceptions of Speech Systems to Transcribe and Submit PIREPs. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 9(4). Retrieved from

Carstens, D.S., *Harwin, M., *Li, T., Splitt, M., & *Olabanji, R. (2022). Accuracy of Commercially-Available Speech Recognition Systems in Identifying PIREP Terminology. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 9(3),

Carstens, D., *Mahlman, J., Miller, J., & Shaffer, M. (2019). Mobile Device Espionage, The Journal of Management and Engineering Integration, 12(2), 86-94.

Carstens, D. S., Miller, J. R., *Mahlman, J. A., & Shaffer, M. J. (2021). Internet, Social Media, and Mobile Device Addiction Effects on a Workplace. International Journal of Social Media and Online Communities (IJSMOC), 13(1), 37-50.

*Chaparro M., & Carroll M. (2021). Examining vigilance in a simulated unmanned aircraft system (UAS) monitoring task. Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021).

*Chaparro, M., Carroll, M., & Hook, J. (2020).  Improving the Usability of a Digital Neurobehavioral Assessment. In: Ahram T., Falcão C. (eds) Advances in Usability, User Experience, Wearable and Assistive Technology. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1217. Springer, Cham.

*Chaparro, M.E., Carroll, M. & Malmquist, S. (2020). Personality Trends in the Pilot Population. Collegiate Aviation Review International, 38(2),  Retrieved from

*Chaparro Osman, M., *Nakushian, A., *Prior, T., Rebensky, S., & Carroll, M. (2022) User experience, knowledge, perceptions and behaviors associated with internet of things (IoT) device information security. Environments – Human Computer Interaction International.

*Chaparro Osman, M., *Prior, T., Rebensky, S., *Nakushian A., and Carroll M. (2022). Influencing IOT device user privacy behaviors: An empirical study. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 66). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

*Dailey, G., *Perry, O., & Carstens, D.S. (2023). Airport Ice-Olator Task & Error Analysis. 2023 University Aviation Association (UAA) Collegiate Aviation Education Conference. September 27-29. St. Petersburg, FL.

Deaton, J. (2019).  The future of aviation research.  International Journal of Aviation Research, 11(1). 

Johnson, I., Johnson, M., Pitts, B.J., Blickensderfer, B., Brown, L., Ahlstrom, U. and Carstens, D. (2021). Human Factors Research in Weather Hazards Affecting General Aviation Safety. International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP).

Johnson, I., Johnson, M., Pitts, B.J., Blickensderfer, B., Brown, L., Carstens, D.S., Caldwell, B. & Splitt, M.  (2023). Improving General Aviation Safety Through Human Factors Research. International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP).

*Li, T., Wheeler, B. E., & Carstens, D. S. (2020). Examining the Impact of Overhearing In-Flight Cell-Phone Calls on Passenger Safety. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 7(2). Retrieved from

Mehta, R. (2019). The Graduate Advisor-Advisee Relationship: What Both Parties Should Expect. International Journal of Aviation Research, 11(1), 29-35.

Mehta, R., *Chauhan, B., *Edwards, M., Rosser, T., Dunbar, V., & Rice, S. (2019). Does a SWT Reverse Contagion Effect Exist from Humans to Automation. Collegiate Aviation Review International, 37(1), 90-106.

Mehta, R., Rice, S., Winter, S. R., *Anania, E. C., *Baugh, B. S., & *Milner, M. N. (2020). Determining the predictors for ease of sleep while on aircraft: Regression and qualitative analyses. Journal of Air Transport Management, 83

Mehta, R., Rice, S., Winter, S. R., Spence, T., *Edwards, M., & *Candelaria-Oquendo, K. (2019). Generalizability of Effect Sizes Within Aviation Research: More Samples Are Needed. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 6(5).         

*Pierre, S. M., Carstens, D. S., & Deaton, J. E. (2019). Laser Eye Protection and Color Recognition and Discrimination in Aviation. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 9(2), 86–94. doi: 10.1027/2192-0923/a000165 

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Human Space Flight

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Project Management

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Trust in Automation/Autonomy

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